Yes, those are my feet--I'm not tall
enough to see into the stock pot
without gettin' on my tippy-toes. |
Even though I used Lauren for her Costco membership, forced her to go Woodman's on a Sunday, and then made her help me carry the jars and vinegar upstairs, she was still a good sport and helped me make my very first batch of strawberry-lemon jam for sale. She'll hate this pic, but I think it's adorables since she's crackin' up. Hulling strawberries is funny. It's extra funny since I made her do all the hard work while I prepared jars and zested lemons. It was nice to have actual conversation and help--usually I'm in the kitchen by myself, pretending that I have my own cooking show, or talking to Gigi. And cosmos. It was nice to have lots of cosmos.
It was also extra fabulous to have help with dicing strawberries (which takes FOREVER), and we got a kick out of pretending to be photographers.
Lauren ladled the goods into the jars, and then I did the lid and boiling water work. I didn't wanna leave that part to a rookie who'd been sippin' on my infamous peach cosmos for the afternoon...
And voila! Strawberry-Lemon Jam: Sweet, and a Little Tart, Just Like Your Unmarried Sister
So this is how it all started...back in the beginning...with the strawberry-lemon jam. Ha I'm sure it's delish. Mia and I had some more hot pepper jelly the other night. So good!